2 of dead plants tarot card

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Two of Dead Plants

Porthos plants are usually hard to kill. Although you can’t forget about them completely. Some plants need more water than others. Some need more light than others. I haven’t quite figured it out.

There isn’t enough repentance watering that can pull them back from the brink.

I wanted to keep them around, but every time I looked at them, they reminded me of my failure. Dead plants are bad for feng shui. 

At least the plants had each other. They didn’t have to die alone.

As I accepted their fate, I knew I had to get rid of the bodies. The plants had passed to the other side. Now they were enjoying plant heaven. A place with just the right amount of light and water and soil to heal from their tortured existence. 

Also a lot less cats chewing on their leaves.

2 of dead plants tarot card

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